I Loved You Since Forever

I Loved You Since Forever, oil on gallery-wrapped canvas with sides painted, image continues to the sides; 24"x20"x1.5". Protective UV varnish coating, and ready to hang. 

I Loved You Since Forever, 24x20x1.5%22.jpg

Do you feel like your sweetheart is someone you've loved forever? You can't remember a time in your life without them? And you want it to always be that way?  We are some of the lucky ones, my friend.  The whole "'in sickness and health, 'til death do us part" thing; during those scary, harrowing, terrifying life crises....as well as the over-the-moon with joy times - we are united together! The whole depth and beauty of life!  No it is not always easy, but it is worth our efforts - this painting is celebrating the joy of those times!! Wishing you this joy in your life!  

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